Handover Certificates

About Handovers

Handovers (or Handover certificates) ensure that work done in a project phase has been tested, verified and found acceptable with industry standards. GoCompletions® follows a Gated Handover Process. This means that a certificate must be completed at certain stages to allow the work to be handed over in a safe and well defined manner.

Gated Handover Process

There are different types of Handover Certificates that GoCompletions® will allow to comply with the Gated Handover Process. For example, an RFC cert will be required for each system that has PC tag ITRs; a DAC will be required for each combination of Tag Subsystem and ITR Discipline that has MC ITRs.

Each handover certificate type has its own search page. While you cannot add certificates, you can edit certificates, where one is required, based on the tag ITRs/Certs in the database. The search process for each handover certificate type works the same way as tag search. The certificates that you see in the Handovers menu are those that have been enabled for your project.

Note - Handover certificates are project configured with a handover gate assigned to them. Contact qedi software support for further details.

Auto Handovers

For Brownfield projects that use the Scope of Work feature, GoCompletions® provides an auto handovers option. Using this include handovers where primary and secondary handover numbers are generated based on pre-defined numbering configurations chosen for your project.

Note - For making these selections, contact qedi software support.

How does it work

·      Auto generated primary handover numbers can be set to be unique within a project or a Scope of Work

·      The length of the auto generated primary handover number can be set. The maximum value for this is 4.

·      The first number of the auto generated sequence can be set.

·      The sequence number of the auto generated primary handover number can be padded with zeroes to make up the sequence number series to suit your project.

Handover Reports

Handover reports are now available under the Reports menu. These reports are included in the Report List option under Reports.

Handover certificates related operations in GoCompletions®:

·      Searching for a Handover Certificate

·      Viewing Handover Details Page

·      Deleting a Handover Certificate

·      Multi Handovers

·      Generating a Handover Certificate

·      Signing off Handover Certificates

·      Linking Handover Gates and Types of Handover Certificates