Change my Password

After logging in the first time

When you log in for the first time into GoCompletions® using the username and password provided by the qedi software support team, you will be asked to change your password. Do this on the Change your Password page.

Password Expiry

GoCompletions® passwords are set to expire every 90 days. Once your password expires, you will need to change it. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long, must include numbers and a mix of uppercase and lowercase characters. Once you are logged into GoCompletions®, if you want to change your password, click User Profile under User CP.

To change your password do the following:

1.      Log into GoCompletions® with your username and password.

2.      On the User CP menu, click User Profile.
The User Profile page is displayed.

3.      Click Change Password.

4.      Type in your current and new passwords.

5.      Click Save Password.
Your GoCompletions® password is updated.